71 rows where DBH = "" and qSpecies_id = 48 sorted by qCaretaker_id

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rowid TreeID qLegalStatus_id qSpecies_id qAddress SiteOrder qSiteInfo PlantType qCaretaker_id ▼ qCareAssistant PlantDate DBH PlotSize PermitNotes XCoord YCoord Latitude Longitude Location Fire Prevention Districts Police Districts Supervisor Districts Zip Codes Neighborhoods (old)
157754 251416 DPW Maintained 1 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 10x Jones St 4 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6009207 2112641 37.7814290728676 -122.411781887248 (37.7814290728676, -122.411781887248) 14 10 9 28852 36
194337 265035 Undocumented 4 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 1250X Alabama St   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6009246 2101881 37.7518867820544 -122.410886782822 (37.7518867820544, -122.410886782822) 2 4 7 28859 19
194339 265037 Undocumented 4 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 1250X Alabama St   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6009246 2101881 37.7518867820544 -122.410886782822 (37.7518867820544, -122.410886782822) 2 4 7 28859 19
194353 265038 Undocumented 4 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 1250X Alabama St   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6009246 2101881 37.7518867820544 -122.410886782822 (37.7518867820544, -122.410886782822) 2 4 7 28859 19
194364 265034 Undocumented 4 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 3012 25th St 1 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6009402 2101646 37.7512502705876 -122.410330719668 (37.7512502705876, -122.410330719668) 2 4 7 28859 19
194365 265036 Undocumented 4 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 1250X Alabama St   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6009246 2101881 37.7518867820544 -122.410886782822 (37.7518867820544, -122.410886782822) 2 4 7 28859 19
125354 253413 DPW Maintained 1 Potential Site :: Potential Site 48 2433 23rd Ave 1 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Port 6 Private     3x3   5989193.66308 2098780.80152 37.7422296590049 -122.480002935505 (37.7422296590049, -122.480002935505) 1 8 3 29491 35

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "trees" (
   [TreeID] TEXT,
   [qLegalStatus_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qLegalStatus]([id]),
   [qSpecies_id] INTEGER,
   [qAddress] TEXT,
   [SiteOrder] TEXT,
   [qSiteInfo] TEXT,
   [PlantType] TEXT,
   [qCaretaker_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qCaretaker]([id]),
   [qCareAssistant] TEXT,
   [PlantDate] TEXT,
   [DBH] TEXT,
   [PlotSize] TEXT,
   [PermitNotes] TEXT,
   [XCoord] TEXT,
   [YCoord] TEXT,
   [Latitude] TEXT,
   [Longitude] TEXT,
   [Location] TEXT,
   [Fire Prevention Districts] TEXT,
   [Police Districts] TEXT,
   [Supervisor Districts] TEXT,
   [Zip Codes] TEXT,
   [Neighborhoods (old)] TEXT,
   FOREIGN KEY(qSpecies_id) REFERENCES qSpecies(id)