341 rows where qLegalStatus_id = 8 sorted by DBH

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rowid TreeID qLegalStatus_id qSpecies_id qAddress SiteOrder qSiteInfo PlantType qCaretaker_id qCareAssistant PlantDate DBH ▼ PlotSize PermitNotes XCoord YCoord Latitude Longitude Location Fire Prevention Districts Police Districts Supervisor Districts Zip Codes Neighborhoods (old)
46471 253626 Property Tree 8 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 1671 Funston Ave 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       10x10   5992125 2104081 37.7569525124502 -122.470253253306 (37.7569525124502, -122.470253253306) 1 8 4 56 12
46823 103516 Property Tree 8 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 980 Green St 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6008298 2118971 37.7987586699451 -122.415374854445 (37.7987586699451, -122.415374854445) 5 1 10 308 32
49750 104540 Property Tree 8 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 1101 Van Ness Ave 4 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6006375.5 2114401.9 37.7861048214583 -122.421702631224 (37.7861048214583, -122.421702631224) 13 9 11 28858 41
51341 97051 Property Tree 8 Quercus agrifolia :: Coast Live Oak 172 795 Wisconsin St   Sidewalk: Property side : Yard Tree Private 2 FUF 08/19/2011 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 767554 6012787.8 2103832.3 37.7574425906128 -122.398775590174 (37.7574425906128, -122.398775590174) 10 3 8 28856 29
51917 256537 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 139 Olympia Way 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   5996818 2101849 37.7510942069084 -122.453862003079 (37.7510942069084, -122.453862003079) 1 5 4 63 38
52825 104544 Property Tree 8 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 1101 Van Ness Ave 8 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6006375.5 2114401.9 37.7861048214583 -122.421702631224 (37.7861048214583, -122.421702631224) 13 9 11 28858 41
53202 102251 Property Tree 8 Citrus × meyeri 'Improved' :: Improved Meyer Lemon 317 125X Powhattan Ave 4 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   01/07/2013 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768486 6007606 2098071 37.7413332800665 -122.416288322592 (37.7413332800665, -122.416288322592) 2 7 7 28859 2
53415 254271 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 1201X Junipero Serra Blvd 1 Side Yard : Yard Tree PUC 8       10x10   5991180 2089593 37.717117469349 -122.472465193375 (37.717117469349, -122.472465193375) 9 8 6 64 24
53937 94690 Property Tree 8 Brachychiton populneus :: Bottle Tree 348 749 Congo St   Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   10/28/2010 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 53820 6000274 2096023 37.735294937499 -122.441492809367 (37.735294937499, -122.441492809367) 9 7 4 63 40
54121 101901 Property Tree 8 Metrosideros excelsa :: New Zealand Xmas Tree 16 1100 Ocean Ave 2 Front Yard : Yard Tree DPW 1         Permit Number 769623 5996507.7 2092470.2 37.7253245106519 -122.454257683967 (37.7253245106519, -122.454257683967) 9 7 4 28861 40
54211 98502 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 244 Glenview Dr   Back Yard : Yard Landscaping Private 2           5999066 2100737 37.7481695560511 -122.446008243376 (37.7481695560511, -122.446008243376) 2 5 5 63 38
56515 102470 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 1021 Kirkham St 2 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5991773 2105198 37.7599991432047 -122.471551983129 (37.7599991432047, -122.471551983129) 1 8 4 56 12
56664 97021 Property Tree 8 Quercus agrifolia :: Coast Live Oak 172 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
57437 108624 Property Tree 8 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 101 GENEBERN WAY 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6005050.2 2095237.8 37.733409902631 -122.424923866144 (37.733409902631, -122.424923866144) 2 7 7 28861 2
57789 121199 Property Tree 8 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 72 Fountain St 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6000322 2101283 37.7497403826665 -122.441704227556 (37.7497403826665, -122.441704227556) 2 4 5 28862 22
60302 187670 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 230 Victoria St 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   5993274 2088748 37.7149182807441 -122.465165952001 (37.7149182807441, -122.465165952001) 9 8 6 64 24
62691 97040 Property Tree 8 Hakea suaveolens :: Sweet Hakea Tree 73 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
63210 96591 Property Tree 8 Eriobotrya deflexa :: Bronze Loquat 8 450 Church St   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree SFUSD 4 FUF         6004088.8 2106523.6 37.7643437320395 -122.429052084094 (37.7643437320395, -122.429052084094) 8 4 5 28862 3
64109 97027 Property Tree 8 Myoporum laetum :: Myoporum 62 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
64778 109377 Property Tree 8 Populus nigra 'Italica' :: Lombardy Poplar 59 111 BAY ST 4 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6010193.2 2121519.2 37.8058617340589 -122.408996713259 (37.8058617340589, -122.408996713259) 3 1 10 308 23
66427 248974 Property Tree 8 Metrosideros excelsa :: New Zealand Xmas Tree 16 716 Goettingen St 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   6010713 2091306 37.7229322393396 -122.405069122237 (37.7229322393396, -122.405069122237) 10 3 7 309 28
66704 107130 Property Tree 8 Phoenix dactylifera :: Date Palm 87 751 DOLORES ST 1 Front Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2           6005081.8 2103948.4 37.7573290011944 -122.425434294507 (37.7573290011944, -122.425434294507) 2 4 5 28859 19
67079 251294 Property Tree 8 :: 45 7126 Geary Blvd 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   5984860 2112552 37.7797887789018 -122.496002892522 (37.7797887789018, -122.496002892522) 11 6 2 55 26
67651 115641 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 81x ELSIE ST 7 Back Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1       3x3   6007403 2098902 37.7436036039275 -122.417049094013 (37.7436036039275, -122.417049094013) 2 7 7 28859 2
68497 99961 Property Tree 8 Callistemon citrinus :: Lemon Bottlebrush 67 537 Valley St 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   07/25/2012 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768880 6002459 2099152 37.7440106863694 -122.434162082356 (37.7440106863694, -122.434162082356) 2 7 5 63 22
69931 115646 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 81x ELSIE ST 12 Back Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1       3x3   6007403 2098902 37.7436036039275 -122.417049094013 (37.7436036039275, -122.417049094013) 2 7 7 28859 2
71527 97029 Property Tree 8 Rhamnus californica :: Coffeeberry Tree 320 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
71699 94469 Property Tree 8 Cupressus sempervirens :: Italian Cypress 204 4128 17th St   Sidewalk: Property side : Pot Tree Private 2         in landscaped area 6001502 2105859 37.7623721357484 -122.437951476108 (37.7623721357484, -122.437951476108) 15 5 5 28862 3
71797 256101 Property Tree 8 Populus spp :: Poplar Spp 262 1255 Oak St 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6001013 2109627 37.7726903083913 -122.439912920243 (37.7726903083913, -122.439912920243) 15 5 11 29492 9
75016 98140 Property Tree 8 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 315 San Marcos Ave   Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5992920.8 2100212.1 37.7463754865467 -122.467219803339 (37.7463754865467, -122.467219803339) 1 8 4 29491 40
75714 114950 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 1X WOODACRE DR 2 unknown : Yard Tree DPW 1       30x100   5991187 2095315 37.7328290635508 -122.472857998502 (37.7328290635508, -122.472857998502) 1 8 4 64 40
80203 253469 Property Tree 8 Eucalyptus nicholii :: Nichol's Willow-Leafed Peppermint 230 701 Stanyan St 5 Side Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5997178 2108423 37.7691653834469 -122.453091601514 (37.7691653834469, -122.453091601514) 15 5 11 29492 9
80950 255115 Property Tree 8 Lophostemon confertus :: Brisbane Box 11 301X Chester Ave 2 Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Private 2       10x10   5991786 2087190 37.7105544703116 -122.470195673297 (37.7105544703116, -122.470195673297) 9 8 4 64 24
81530 96594 Property Tree 8 Eriobotrya deflexa :: Bronze Loquat 8 450 Church St   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree SFUSD 4 FUF         6004088.8 2106523.6 37.7643437320395 -122.429052084094 (37.7643437320395, -122.429052084094) 8 4 5 28862 3
82655 115645 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 81x ELSIE ST 11 Back Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1       3x3   6007403 2098902 37.7436036039275 -122.417049094013 (37.7436036039275, -122.417049094013) 2 7 7 28859 2
84644 118371 Property Tree 8 Sequoia sempervirens :: Coast Redwood 155 4808 25th St 1 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   5999981 2101110 37.7492459313263 -122.442870994168 (37.7492459313263, -122.442870994168) 2 4 5 28862 22
84676 109375 Property Tree 8 Populus nigra 'Italica' :: Lombardy Poplar 59 111 BAY ST 2 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6010193.2 2121519.2 37.8058617340589 -122.408996713259 (37.8058617340589, -122.408996713259) 3 1 10 308 23
86207 104538 Property Tree 8 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 1101 Van Ness Ave 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6006375.5 2114401.9 37.7861048214583 -122.421702631224 (37.7861048214583, -122.421702631224) 13 9 11 28858 41
87602 253142 Property Tree 8 Juniperus silicicola :: Southern red cedar 429 735 29th Ave 1 Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   5986898 2110914 37.7754104499772 -122.488832209773 (37.7754104499772, -122.488832209773) 11 6 2 55 26
87678 254111 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 279 Oak Park Dr 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       10x10   5995764 2102990 37.7541666190925 -122.457589367448 (37.7541666190925, -122.457589367448) 1 5 4 63 12
89545 256543 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 139 Olympia Way 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   5996818 2101849 37.7510942069084 -122.453862003079 (37.7510942069084, -122.453862003079) 1 5 4 63 38
89589 99277 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 85X 10th St 3 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   04/25/2012 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768878 6007907.6 2110517 37.7755240963356 -122.416126724722 (37.7755240963356, -122.416126724722) 8 2 9 28853 34
89692 122453 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 217 San Marcos Ave 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       10x10   5993325.07095 2100296.14299 37.7466295758311 -122.465827998209 (37.7466295758311, -122.465827998209) 1 8 4 29491 40
90504 98893 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 216 Glenview Dr   Back Yard : Yard Landscaping Private 2           5998910 2100761 37.7482265448319 -122.446549410607 (37.7482265448319, -122.446549410607) 2 5 5 63 38
91643 97034 Property Tree 8 :: 45 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
92080 97016 Property Tree 8 Prunus ilicifoia :: Holly-leaved Cherry 245 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
92154 97177 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 257 Roosevelt Way   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2         Monterey cypress tree in backyard on private property; not a Significant tree 6000848.1 2107127.9 37.7658190148973 -122.440304070451 (37.7658190148973, -122.440304070451) 15 5 5 28862 3
92957 257936 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 375 Woodside Ave 2 Sidewalk: Curb side : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   5997267 2099886 37.7457300260474 -122.452167701039 (37.7457300260474, -122.452167701039) 1 5 4 59 38
94159 97024 Property Tree 8 Jacaranda mimosifolia :: Jacaranda 50 1455 Alabama St   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2   08/16/2011 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768189 6009349 2100759.5 37.7488131674601 -122.410451409671 (37.7488131674601, -122.410451409671) 2 4 7 28859 19
95526 100139 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 155 05th St 2 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2         Permit Number 769024 6011029.6 2112857.4 37.7821253339557 -122.405491786923 (37.7821253339557, -122.405491786923) 12 2 9 28853 34
96282 117254 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 2067 33RD AVE 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   5985987 2101171 37.7486056682842 -122.491266304796 (37.7486056682842, -122.491266304796) 1 8 3 29491 35
96626 91109 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 2650 Turk Blvd 2 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       On campus   5998086.4 2111055.5 37.7764455713486 -122.450139282915 (37.7764455713486, -122.450139282915) 15 6 2 29492 16
97665 121104 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 477 Myra Way 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   5997298 2097021 37.7378652095891 -122.45185385939 (37.7378652095891, -122.45185385939) 9 7 4 59 40
98201 106968 Property Tree 8 :: 45 351 26th Ave   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5987720.26121 2113604.44601 37.7828456076198 -122.486185401226 (37.7828456076198, -122.486185401226) 11 6 2 55 26
99497 104543 Property Tree 8 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 1101 Van Ness Ave 7 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6006375.5 2114401.9 37.7861048214583 -122.421702631224 (37.7861048214583, -122.421702631224) 13 9 11 28858 41
99841 98436 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 238 Glenview Dr   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5999035 2100736 37.7481650400364 -122.446115368035 (37.7481650400364, -122.446115368035) 2 5 5 63 38
99909 96676 Property Tree 8 Prunus spp :: Cherry 68 1701 21st Ave 1 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2   06/22/2011 12:00:00 AM       5989644.3 2103769.9 37.7559545815884 -122.478809598698 (37.7559545815884, -122.478809598698) 1 8 3 56 35
101616 102250 Property Tree 8 Olea europaea :: Olive Tree 9 125X Powhattan Ave 3 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   01/07/2013 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768486 6007606 2098071 37.7413332800665 -122.416288322592 (37.7413332800665, -122.416288322592) 2 7 7 28859 2
101786 104542 Property Tree 8 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 1101 Van Ness Ave 6 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6006375.5 2114401.9 37.7861048214583 -122.421702631224 (37.7861048214583, -122.421702631224) 13 9 11 28858 41
101829 257926 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 8 Hill Point Ave 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   5996384 2106804 37.7646744896132 -122.455720942569 (37.7646744896132, -122.455720942569) 15 5 11 29492 12
101831 120995 Property Tree 8 Private shrub :: Private Shrub 284 231 Delano Ave 1 Front Yard : Yard Landscaping Private 2       3x3   6000066 2092260 37.7249507611268 -122.44194193564 (37.7249507611268, -122.44194193564) 9 7 6 28861 25
102518 115648 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 81x ELSIE ST 14 Back Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1       3x3   6007403 2098902 37.7436036039275 -122.417049094013 (37.7436036039275, -122.417049094013) 2 7 7 28859 2
103261 99275 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 85X 10th St 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   04/25/2012 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768878 6007907.6 2110517 37.7755240963356 -122.416126724722 (37.7755240963356, -122.416126724722) 8 2 9 28853 34
103773 252839 Property Tree 8 Eucalyptus nicholii :: Nichol's Willow-Leafed Peppermint 230 99 Pond St 2 Sidewalk: Property side : Yard Tree Private 2           6003330 2106021 37.7629207320267 -122.431640673814 (37.7629207320267, -122.431640673814) 15 4 5 28862 3
104074 97028 Property Tree 8 Morus alba :: White Mulberry 246 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
104559 254162 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 301X Chester Ave 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2       10x10   5991786 2087190 37.7105544703116 -122.470195673297 (37.7105544703116, -122.470195673297) 9 8 4 64 24
104699 114731 Property Tree 8 Eucalyptus globulus :: Blue Gum 56 934 BRANNAN ST   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2 Dept of Real Estate     10x10   6010724 2108745 37.7708165471861 -122.406259194073 (37.7708165471861, -122.406259194073) 14 2 9 28853 34
104809 94487 Property Tree 8 Cupressus sempervirens :: Italian Cypress 204 4128 17th St   Sidewalk: Property side : Pot Tree Private 2         in landscaped area 6001502 2105859 37.7623721357484 -122.437951476108 (37.7623721357484, -122.437951476108) 15 5 5 28862 3
105747 98892 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 220 Glenview Dr   Back Yard : Yard Landscaping Private 2           5998935 2100753 37.7482060067302 -122.44646238624 (37.7482060067302, -122.44646238624) 2 5 5 63 38
105934 99256 Property Tree 8 Sequoia sempervirens :: Coast Redwood 155 1466 York St   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6010099 2100741 37.7488043872035 -122.407856595429 (37.7488043872035, -122.407856595429) 2 4 7 28859 19
105992 258053 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 1651 Portola Dr 1 Sidewalk: Property side : Yard Tree DPW 1       Width 5ft   5991822.8552 2096210.84451 37.7353256172728 -122.470724935722 (37.7353256172728, -122.470724935722) 1 8 4 59 40
106673 256140 Property Tree 8 Eucalyptus globulus :: Blue Gum 56 892 Moultrie St 1 Side Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   6007512 2095150 37.7333075704823 -122.416406492547 (37.7333075704823, -122.416406492547) 2 7 7 28859 2
108303 102249 Property Tree 8 Olea europaea :: Olive Tree 9 125X Powhattan Ave 2 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   01/07/2013 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768486 6007606 2098071 37.7413332800665 -122.416288322592 (37.7413332800665, -122.416288322592) 2 7 7 28859 2
108384 122480 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 596X Buckingham Way 1 Side Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   5990152 2094375 37.7301880902761 -122.476367577616 (37.7301880902761, -122.476367577616) 1 8 4 64 14
109260 115649 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 81x ELSIE ST 15 Back Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1       3x3   6007403 2098902 37.7436036039275 -122.417049094013 (37.7436036039275, -122.417049094013) 2 7 7 28859 2
109556 91108 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 2650 Turk Blvd 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       On campus   5998086.4 2111055.5 37.7764455713486 -122.450139282915 (37.7764455713486, -122.450139282915) 15 6 2 29492 16
112077 253339 Property Tree 8 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 2019X 24th Ave 1 Sidewalk: Property side : Yard Tree PUC 8       3x3   5988853 2101569 37.7498655183494 -122.481384971136 (37.7498655183494, -122.481384971136) 1 8 3 29491 35
113165 113482 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 2839 Pierce St   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6001345 2118077 37.7959107386074 -122.439370308548 (37.7959107386074, -122.439370308548) 13 9 1 57 17
113384 98890 Property Tree 8 Tree(s) :: 17 256 Glenview Dr   Back Yard : Yard Landscaping Private 2           5999134 2100748 37.7482036421854 -122.44577389345 (37.7482036421854, -122.44577389345) 2 5 5 63 38
113451 115644 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 81x ELSIE ST 10 Back Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1       3x3   6007403 2098902 37.7436036039275 -122.417049094013 (37.7436036039275, -122.417049094013) 2 7 7 28859 2
113507 253768 Property Tree 8 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 100 Raccoon Dr 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5998692 2104165 37.7575606372552 -122.447548237739 (37.7575606372552, -122.447548237739) 15 5 5 28862 3
116957 97032 Property Tree 8 Griselinia lucida :: Griselinia 242 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
117229 102248 Property Tree 8 Olea europaea :: Olive Tree 9 125X Powhattan Ave 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   01/07/2013 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768486 6007606 2098071 37.7413332800665 -122.416288322592 (37.7413332800665, -122.416288322592) 2 7 7 28859 2
117341 104397 Property Tree 8 Pseudotsuga menziesii :: Douglas Fir 285 350 Collingwood St 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           6002086 2103822 37.7568122198273 -122.435785890783 (37.7568122198273, -122.435785890783) 2 4 5 28862 3
120469 96606 Property Tree 8 Citrus × meyeri 'Improved' :: Improved Meyer Lemon 317 325 Sanchez St   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree SFUSD 4 FUF         6003898 2106263.7 37.7636193068731 -122.429693469686 (37.7636193068731, -122.429693469686) 8 4 5 28862 3
120621 101625 Property Tree 8 Fagus sylvatica :: European Beech 272 64 Levant St 1 Front Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2         Permit Number 769362 6000275.9 2106473.5 37.7639895997076 -122.442236202383 (37.7639895997076, -122.442236202383) 15 5 5 28862 3
120627 100045 Property Tree 8 Acacia decurrens :: Acacia: Silver Wattle 111 556 28th St   Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2         Not sure which property tree is located on. 6002301 2099461 37.7448501592716 -122.434730501666 (37.7448501592716, -122.434730501666) 2 7 5 63 22
120723 97043 Property Tree 8 Heteromeles arbutifolia :: Toyon 186 195B Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
121285 104318 Property Tree 8 Magnolia grandiflora :: Southern Magnolia 19 22 Beaver St 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       3x3   6002763 2106816 37.765071454108 -122.433658549479 (37.765071454108, -122.433658549479) 15 5 5 28862 3
122314 97023 Property Tree 8 Jacaranda mimosifolia :: Jacaranda 50 1443 Alabama St   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2   08/16/2011 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768190 6009347.4 2100788.9 37.7488938036461 -122.410459018192 (37.7488938036461, -122.410459018192) 2 4 7 28859 19
122810 251512 Property Tree 8 Callistemon viminalis :: Weeping Bottlebrush 60 4116x 18th St 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree MTA 3       3x3   6002190 2105341 37.7609889340227 -122.43553488468 (37.7609889340227, -122.43553488468) 15 4 5 28862 3
123806 256658 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 7014 Fulton St 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2           5981603 2109659 37.7716541501084 -122.507055421099 (37.7716541501084, -122.507055421099) 11 6 2 55 26
124153 118318 Property Tree 8 Maytenus boaria :: Mayten 58 20 Norton St 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree MTA 3           6002015.68632 2092167.12899 37.7248066672809 -122.435195459751 (37.7248066672809, -122.435195459751) 9 7 6 28861 25
124235 122518 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 772X Panorama Dr 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   5996713 2102901 37.7539767153501 -122.45430108189 (37.7539767153501, -122.45430108189) 1 5 4 63 38
124823 98405 Property Tree 8 Arbutus 'Marina' :: Hybrid Strawberry Tree 14 84 Richland Ave   Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2   02/08/2012 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 768549 6005038.1 2096133 37.735867237922 -122.425029371072 (37.735867237922, -122.425029371072) 2 7 5 28859 2
125967 96999 Property Tree 8 Callistemon viminalis :: Weeping Bottlebrush 60 195A Kiska Rd   Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Housing Authority 15 FUF         6019164.1 2093438.1 37.7292553954157 -122.376002845114 (37.7292553954157, -122.376002845114) 10 3 8 58 1
127263 98715 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 26 Vernon St   Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5992459 2088068 37.713004133171 -122.467933479353 (37.713004133171, -122.467933479353) 9 8 6 64 24
128219 101903 Property Tree 8 Washingtonia robusta :: Mexican Fan Palm 72 1100 Ocean Ave 4 Front Yard : Yard Tree DPW 1         Permit Number 769623 5996507.7 2092470.2 37.7253245106519 -122.454257683967 (37.7253245106519, -122.454257683967) 9 7 4 28861 40
128716 108973 Property Tree 8 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 3485X SAN BRUNO AVE 1 Median : Yard Tree DPW for City Agency 14           6011510 2091910 37.724635221414 -122.402356490066 (37.724635221414, -122.402356490066) 10 3 7 309 28
129920 106227 Property Tree 8 Eucalyptus globulus :: Blue Gum 56 38 Stanford Heights Ave 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2           5997884 2095808.5 37.7345695210024 -122.44974042874 (37.7345695210024, -122.44974042874) 9 7 4 59 40

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CREATE TABLE "trees" (
   [TreeID] TEXT,
   [qLegalStatus_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qLegalStatus]([id]),
   [qSpecies_id] INTEGER,
   [qAddress] TEXT,
   [SiteOrder] TEXT,
   [qSiteInfo] TEXT,
   [PlantType] TEXT,
   [qCaretaker_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qCaretaker]([id]),
   [qCareAssistant] TEXT,
   [PlantDate] TEXT,
   [DBH] TEXT,
   [PlotSize] TEXT,
   [PermitNotes] TEXT,
   [XCoord] TEXT,
   [YCoord] TEXT,
   [Latitude] TEXT,
   [Longitude] TEXT,
   [Location] TEXT,
   [Fire Prevention Districts] TEXT,
   [Police Districts] TEXT,
   [Supervisor Districts] TEXT,
   [Zip Codes] TEXT,
   [Neighborhoods (old)] TEXT,
   FOREIGN KEY(qSpecies_id) REFERENCES qSpecies(id)