3 rows where DBH = 12, Location = "(37.7791203368819, -122.428466654288)", YCoord = "2111899.4426369" and qCaretaker_id = 9 sorted by Neighborhoods (old)
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
PlantDate ✖
rowid | TreeID | qLegalStatus_id | qSpecies_id | qAddress | SiteOrder | qSiteInfo | PlantType | qCaretaker_id | qCareAssistant | PlantDate | DBH | PlotSize | PermitNotes | XCoord | YCoord | Latitude | Longitude | Location | Fire Prevention Districts | Police Districts | Supervisor Districts | Zip Codes | Neighborhoods (old) ▼ |
49782 | 14776 | Permitted Site 7 | Schinus terebinthifolius :: Brazilian Pepper 93 | 1000X McAllister St | 11 | Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout | Tree | Office of Mayor 9 | 06/30/1994 12:00:00 AM | 12 | 4X4 | 6004368.8552829 | 2111899.4426369 | 37.7791203368819 | -122.428466654288 | (37.7791203368819, -122.428466654288) | 7 | 9 | 11 | 29490 | 41 | ||
115880 | 14775 | Permitted Site 7 | Schinus terebinthifolius :: Brazilian Pepper 93 | 1000X McAllister St | 10 | Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout | Tree | Office of Mayor 9 | 12 | 4X4 | 6004368.8552829 | 2111899.4426369 | 37.7791203368819 | -122.428466654288 | (37.7791203368819, -122.428466654288) | 7 | 9 | 11 | 29490 | 41 | |||
165709 | 14777 | Permitted Site 7 | Schinus terebinthifolius :: Brazilian Pepper 93 | 1000X McAllister St | 12 | Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout | Tree | Office of Mayor 9 | 12 | 4X4 | 6004368.8552829 | 2111899.4426369 | 37.7791203368819 | -122.428466654288 | (37.7791203368819, -122.428466654288) | 7 | 9 | 11 | 29490 | 41 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE "trees" ( [rowid] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [TreeID] TEXT, [qLegalStatus_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qLegalStatus]([id]), [qSpecies_id] INTEGER, [qAddress] TEXT, [SiteOrder] TEXT, [qSiteInfo] TEXT, [PlantType] TEXT, [qCaretaker_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qCaretaker]([id]), [qCareAssistant] TEXT, [PlantDate] TEXT, [DBH] TEXT, [PlotSize] TEXT, [PermitNotes] TEXT, [XCoord] TEXT, [YCoord] TEXT, [Latitude] TEXT, [Longitude] TEXT, [Location] TEXT, [Fire Prevention Districts] TEXT, [Police Districts] TEXT, [Supervisor Districts] TEXT, [Zip Codes] TEXT, [Neighborhoods (old)] TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(qSpecies_id) REFERENCES qSpecies(id) );