{"rowid": 14852, "TreeID": "9557", "qLegalStatus_id": {"value": 7, "label": "Permitted Site"}, "qSpecies_id": {"value": 170, "label": "Pittosporum spp :: Pittosporum spp"}, "qAddress": "1195X Golden Gate Ave", "SiteOrder": "10", "qSiteInfo": "Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout", "PlantType": "Tree", "qCaretaker_id": {"value": 9, "label": "Office of Mayor"}, "qCareAssistant": "", "PlantDate": "01/19/2016 07:54:00 AM", "DBH": "3", "PlotSize": "3x3", "PermitNotes": "", "XCoord": "6003912.3472435", "YCoord": "2112132.7194564", "Latitude": "37.7797350134544", "Longitude": "-122.430062547125", "Location": "(37.7797350134544, -122.430062547125)", "Fire Prevention Districts": "7", "Police Districts": "9", "Supervisor Districts": "11", "Zip Codes": "29490", "Neighborhoods (old)": "41"} {"rowid": 60082, "TreeID": "29064", "qLegalStatus_id": {"value": 7, "label": "Permitted Site"}, "qSpecies_id": {"value": 75, "label": "Acer rubrum :: Red Maple"}, "qAddress": "1000X McAllister St", "SiteOrder": "1", "qSiteInfo": "Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout", "PlantType": "Tree", "qCaretaker_id": {"value": 9, "label": "Office of Mayor"}, "qCareAssistant": "", "PlantDate": "03/02/2006 12:00:00 AM", "DBH": "3", "PlotSize": "3x3", "PermitNotes": "", "XCoord": "6004368.8552829", "YCoord": "2111899.4426369", "Latitude": "37.7791203368819", "Longitude": "-122.428466654288", "Location": "(37.7791203368819, -122.428466654288)", "Fire Prevention Districts": "7", "Police Districts": "9", "Supervisor Districts": "11", "Zip Codes": "29490", "Neighborhoods (old)": "41"} {"rowid": 61736, "TreeID": "115005", "qLegalStatus_id": {"value": 1, "label": "DPW Maintained"}, "qSpecies_id": {"value": 7, "label": "Prunus cerasifera :: Cherry Plum"}, "qAddress": "1050 MCALLISTER ST", "SiteOrder": "2", "qSiteInfo": "Front Yard : Cutout", "PlantType": "Tree", "qCaretaker_id": {"value": 9, "label": "Office of Mayor"}, "qCareAssistant": "DPW", "PlantDate": "", "DBH": "", "PlotSize": "3x3", "PermitNotes": "", "XCoord": "6004148", "YCoord": "2111858", "Latitude": "37.7789940453007", "Longitude": "-122.429227726914", "Location": "(37.7789940453007, -122.429227726914)", "Fire Prevention Districts": "7", "Police Districts": "9", "Supervisor Districts": "11", "Zip Codes": "29490", "Neighborhoods (old)": "41"} {"rowid": 90969, "TreeID": "115004", "qLegalStatus_id": {"value": 1, "label": "DPW Maintained"}, "qSpecies_id": {"value": 177, "label": "Olea europaea 'Fruitless' :: Fruitless Olive"}, "qAddress": "1050 MCALLISTER ST", "SiteOrder": "5", "qSiteInfo": "Front Yard : Cutout", "PlantType": "Tree", "qCaretaker_id": {"value": 9, "label": "Office of Mayor"}, "qCareAssistant": "DPW", "PlantDate": "01/19/2016 09:19:00 AM", "DBH": "3", "PlotSize": "3x3", "PermitNotes": "", "XCoord": "6004148", "YCoord": "2111858", "Latitude": "37.7789940453007", "Longitude": "-122.429227726914", "Location": "(37.7789940453007, -122.429227726914)", "Fire Prevention Districts": "7", "Police Districts": "9", "Supervisor Districts": "11", "Zip Codes": "29490", "Neighborhoods (old)": "41"} {"rowid": 191096, "TreeID": "29063", "qLegalStatus_id": {"value": 7, "label": "Permitted Site"}, "qSpecies_id": {"value": 75, "label": "Acer rubrum :: Red Maple"}, "qAddress": "1000X McAllister St", "SiteOrder": "2", "qSiteInfo": "Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout", "PlantType": "Tree", "qCaretaker_id": {"value": 9, "label": "Office of Mayor"}, "qCareAssistant": "", "PlantDate": "12/15/2005 12:00:00 AM", "DBH": "3", "PlotSize": "3x3", "PermitNotes": "", "XCoord": "6004368.8552829", "YCoord": "2111899.4426369", "Latitude": "37.7791203368819", "Longitude": "-122.428466654288", "Location": "(37.7791203368819, -122.428466654288)", "Fire Prevention Districts": "7", "Police Districts": "9", "Supervisor Districts": "11", "Zip Codes": "29490", "Neighborhoods (old)": "41"}