117 rows where Police Districts = 6 and qLegalStatus_id = 6 sorted by qCareAssistant

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rowid TreeID qLegalStatus_id qSpecies_id qAddress SiteOrder qSiteInfo PlantType qCaretaker_id qCareAssistant ▼ PlantDate DBH PlotSize PermitNotes XCoord YCoord Latitude Longitude Location Fire Prevention Districts Police Districts Supervisor Districts Zip Codes Neighborhoods (old)
153312 91106 Significant Tree 6 Tree(s) :: 17 2650 Turk Blvd 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   01/12/2009 12:00:00 AM   On campus Permit Number 51996 5995208 2110277 37.7741428808777 -122.460040004978 (37.7741428808777, -122.460040004978) 11 6 2 54 11
156485 105434 Significant Tree 6 Eriobotrya deflexa :: Bronze Loquat 8 4355 ANZA ST 1 Back Yard : Yard Tree Private 2     10     5985110.8 2111730.2 37.7775470387472 -122.495074662501 (37.7775470387472, -122.495074662501) 11 6 2 55 26
156782 12711 Significant Tree 6 Tree(s) :: 17 1449 Lake St 3 Front Yard : Cutout Tree DPW 1   06/01/2000 12:00:00 AM   3   5990998.3321714 2114735.5234974 37.7861417388427 -122.474927352046 (37.7861417388427, -122.474927352046) 11 6 2 54 26
157354 187637 Significant Tree 6 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 875 El Camino Del Mar 1 Side Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       10x10   5985641 2114972 37.786479112006 -122.493479464676 (37.786479112006, -122.493479464676) 11 6 1 55 15
161834 107985 Significant Tree 6 Podocarpus gracilor :: Fern Pine 51 2401x SCOTT ST 9 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x3   6001096 2116670 37.7920333111805 -122.440130949989 (37.7920333111805, -122.440130949989) 13 6 1 29490 27
162612 101203 Significant Tree 6 Tree(s) :: 17 7070 California St 2 Front Yard : Tree Private 2   10/03/2012 12:00:00 AM     Permit Number 769231 5985659.5 2114437.4 37.7850123376907 -122.493376058427 (37.7850123376907, -122.493376058427) 11 6 1 55 33
163821 87242 Significant Tree 6 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 4131 Geary Blvd 1 Sidewalk: Property side : Yard Tree Private 2         Permit Number 50271 5994116.9 2112250.5 37.7794987690846 -122.46395756624 (37.7794987690846, -122.46395756624) 11 6 2 54 11
172848 108210 Significant Tree 6 Juniperus chinensis :: Juniper 113 524 45th Ave 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2         Permit Number 773704 5981973.19232 2112153.30127 37.7785245664452 -122.505959887315 (37.7785245664452, -122.505959887315) 11 6 2 55 26
174679 98491 Significant Tree 6 Robinia pseudoacacia :: Black Locust 286 55X Perine Pl 1 Back Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2         Permit Number 768655 6002130.5 2115544.8 37.7890026421633 -122.436471006098 (37.7890026421633, -122.436471006098) 13 6 1 29490 27
182598 92909 Significant Tree 6 Tree(s) :: 17 100 32nd Ave 1 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2   12/18/2009 12:00:00 AM 11   Permit Number 53112 5985781.7 2114962.8 37.7864620808454 -122.49299200677 (37.7864620808454, -122.49299200677) 11 6 1 55 33
186507 254476 Significant Tree 6 Cupressus macrocarpa :: Monterey Cypress 41 1511 Lyon St 1 Front Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2           5999620 2114151 37.7850326563334 -122.445056733542 (37.7850326563334, -122.445056733542) 15 6 1 29490 31
188669 99699 Significant Tree 6 Eucalyptus sideroxylon :: Red Ironbark 127 1750 Divisadero St 2 Front Yard : Cutout Tree Private 2           6001124 2114376 37.7857361748448 -122.439869519979 (37.7857361748448, -122.439869519979) 15 6 1 29490 27
189234 112390 Significant Tree 6 Eucalyptus Spp :: Eucalyptus 52 2201X LYON ST 1 Sidewalk: Property side : Cutout Tree Private 2       3x12   5999307 2116423 37.7912531030346 -122.446303107227 (37.7912531030346, -122.446303107227) 13 6 1 29490 31
191593 91111 Significant Tree 6 Pinus radiata :: Monterey Pine 15 2650 Turk Blvd 2 Front Yard : Yard Tree Private 2       On Campus   5998086.4 2111055.5 37.7764455713486 -122.450139282915 (37.7764455713486, -122.450139282915) 15 6 2 29492 16
1875 261661 Significant Tree 6 Acacia melanoxylon :: Blackwood Acacia 70 741 30th Ave 1 Sidewalk: Curb side : Yard Tree Private 2 FUF         5986614 2110873 37.7752812973329 -122.489811603249 (37.7752812973329, -122.489811603249) 11 6 2 55 26
137332 112057 Significant Tree 6 Liquidambar styraciflua :: American Sweet Gum 37 762 FUNSTON AVE 2 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2 FUF   12     5991999 2110277 37.7739577928787 -122.47114039751 (37.7739577928787, -122.47114039751) 11 6 2 54 11
179316 112056 Significant Tree 6 Liquidambar styraciflua :: American Sweet Gum 37 762 FUNSTON AVE 1 Sidewalk: Curb side : Cutout Tree Private 2 FUF   8     5991999 2110277 37.7739577928787 -122.47114039751 (37.7739577928787, -122.47114039751) 11 6 2 54 11

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "trees" (
   [TreeID] TEXT,
   [qLegalStatus_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qLegalStatus]([id]),
   [qSpecies_id] INTEGER,
   [qAddress] TEXT,
   [SiteOrder] TEXT,
   [qSiteInfo] TEXT,
   [PlantType] TEXT,
   [qCaretaker_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [qCaretaker]([id]),
   [qCareAssistant] TEXT,
   [PlantDate] TEXT,
   [DBH] TEXT,
   [PlotSize] TEXT,
   [PermitNotes] TEXT,
   [XCoord] TEXT,
   [YCoord] TEXT,
   [Latitude] TEXT,
   [Longitude] TEXT,
   [Location] TEXT,
   [Fire Prevention Districts] TEXT,
   [Police Districts] TEXT,
   [Supervisor Districts] TEXT,
   [Zip Codes] TEXT,
   [Neighborhoods (old)] TEXT,
   FOREIGN KEY(qSpecies_id) REFERENCES qSpecies(id)